3 Marketing Newsletter Mistakes to Avoid

Email newsletters have existed since the very early days of email marketing. Newsletters are so ubiquitous these days that you might even think they can seem boring. This may sound sacrilegious, but there are a lot of unappealing newsletters out there. How do you know whether this is you? How do you tell whether your newsletter is one of the ones that gets discarded rather than read? What’s more, how do you solve this? Below, we will take a look at a few of the most typical email newsletter blunders and how to avoid them.

Writing About You Instead of Them

It is easy to assume a newsletter should largely contain information and updates about you or your company, but one of the most typical mistakes is spending too much time talking these things. The truth is your audience does not want to hear you talk about yourself or your business. Subscribers interact with your message because there is a benefit to them.

Consider the newsletters you enjoy receiving. Are they buzzing with information about what that company had for Friday lunch? Or are they full of useful tools and material that you will enjoy? This does not mean you can’t talk about yourself at all. Try to use the 90/10 ratio as a role of thumb, and make sure most of your content is geared towards helping your audience.

Not Personalizing Content

If the content is not directly relevant to them, the majority of individuals say they will unsubscribe from an email list. Despite this, marketers continue to distribute identical information to their entire mailing list in the hopes that it will pique people’s attention. Your audience is made up of people with a wide range of interests. Start thinking of ways to segment your list to keep your material relevant and avoid unsubscribes. Segmenting your viewers by age, geography, or occupation might help you figure out what kind of material to deliver them and keep them interested.

Creating Too Much Sales Pressure

If you do nothing but promote your own products, you will quickly rack up unsubscribes. True, your ultimate goal is to grow your business and generate interest, but your newsletter is not the place for pushy, direct sales. It should be a location where you can establish your brand and win your audience’s trust and respect. Your goal should be to help. You will win your audience’s trust and the right to talk business down the road if you establish yourself as an engaging, helpful resource. Newsletters are a long-term game about growing your community and brand, rather than making money immediately.

Let GMS plan, implement and maintain an email marketing strategy specific to your industry and location, and increase your communication with multiple points of interaction. Contact us here to learn more about our email marketing services.