5 Reasons Print Media Advertising is Essential in 2020

In the midst of the challenges created by the coronavirus pandemic and social unrest, businesses are seriously examining their marketing channels. They are finding out that they need to provide a digital reach to their customers, but that doesn’t mean they should throw out print media advertising. Print ads have a unique ability to reach the customer in a way that digital ads cannot. In a world that is increasingly digitized, print media is proving to be essential in 2020 and beyond.

5 Reason Print Media is Essential in 2020

  1. Augmented Reality: Print media does not always separate itself from digital media. Augmented reality combines the two into a wonderful mix of advertising that creates interest and curiosity in a product. Imagine scanning your product or your advertisement with a phone or tablet and seeing it come alive. This is the current state of modern advertising. It is interactive and memorable, and your market is sure to respond.
  2. Use of the Senses: One major place where digital marketing falls short is in its ability to use the sense of touch and smell to bring a product to a customer. There are also visual limitations. Print media forces your audience to interact with it. This may be by feeling or sniffing when relevant. It can also simply be displayed in the quality of the ad. The visual limitation of digital media lies in the quality of the electronic device being used to reach it.
  3. Reaches “Traditional” Target Market: Traditional marketing is print media such as direct mail, banner ads, billboards, magazine ads, and newspaper ads. There is still a significant amount of the population reading printed books and magazines. Newspapers are struggling, but they have a large audience despite that struggle. This is especially true in small communities. The “traditional” target market that gets their information from printed media still exists. Not reaching out to them is missing out on a huge opportunity.
  4. Shows Quality: As stated previously, the electronic device used to view digital media limits the quality of the display. Print media ensures quality in the paper choice, quality of print, and design elements. Quality matters in all types of advertising, but it is much more manageable in print media. Showing that quality builds trust with the consumer.
  5. Brand Awareness: Although digital media can be hyper focused through the use of techniques such as geo-fencing, it will not hit every person in your target market. Having a diverse marketing mix gives the opportunity to reach your target market at many times during the day, not just when they’re online. This has a direct effect on the efficacy of your marketing, but it also has an indirect effect through brand awareness that can be overt or subliminal. Your customer will know your product because they become familiar with your brand via exposure.

There are many articles available touting the end of print media, but in most cases, it is a mistake to remove it from your marketing strategy. Instead, it should be used to enhance your marketing choices and is essential this year and likely for many years to come.