3 Questions for Creating Click-worthy Newsletter Content

A regular newsletter is a way to give your potential customers content that is relevant and interesting for them to read, rather than being blatantly advertised to in every email. If you don’t already put out a newsletter, you may want to consider it as a way to get your brand in front of new and old customers on a regular basis. However, like with any form of branding, you want to be intentional with the type of content you put out there. To figure out how you can guide subscribers to your product while providing them with useful content, you need to ask yourself three questions.

  1. What challenges does your subscriber face that your service solves?

The point of a newsletter is to convert subscribers into customers, so it is important that you know why you are adding each piece of content to your newsletter and what purpose they serve. Your content should address the unique challenges that your customers may face. When they are thinking about these issues and realize there is a solution that they may not have thought of, the path to how your business can help them is now illuminated. On that note, it is a good idea to bill your newsletter as free content with tools and tips that will help your customer base or keep them up-to-date in the field.

2. How do these challenges translate into enjoyable content?

Now that you have identified your customer’s pain points, there a couple ways to turn this into content. You always have the option to produce your own custom content, especially if you are addressing a very niche issue or want to draw attention to a specialized part of your business, but you can also link to and curate content from other publications that address these issues. A good way to include the latter is by quoting or paraphrasing the part of the article that is most useful to your subscribers in addition to the link to the original source.

3. How do your subscribers want to consume this content?

Every newsletter needs a template. The goal is to build consistency, and this will help your subscribers know what to expect. Some people want short, digestible snippets, while others will have use for longform pieces. Maybe they are interested in video or graphics. If you are unsure what works best, create multiple templates and ask your subscribers and social media followers. If more than one works well, you can even have different newsletters geared towards different types of clients.

With these three questions answered, you can take most of the guesswork out of what content will play well in your newsletter. This is what turns subscribers into loyal patrons.