3 Common Email Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

In a world where online and social media marketing campaigns are ever-expanding, email marketing is still a vital tool in every company’s arsenal. If you’ve been neglecting this important marketing tool because you think email campaigns just don’t work for your customer base, read below to understand where you may have gone wrong and how to improve your tactics.

No Introduction for New Subscribers

When meeting a new client in person, you wouldn’t just charge into a sales pitch without introducing yourself and explaining who you are as a business. So why should it be any different for new subscribers to your email list?

Welcome emails are the most opened type of email in the marketing category. The customer was just on your website and went through the trouble to sign up with their information – why wouldn’t you jump on this opportunity immediately to engage with them while you are fresh in their mind? A great welcome email includes an introduction, expectations of what will come in future emails, and perhaps a first-time user discount if your site leads with deals or savings by signing up.

Not Personalizing Your Email Content

Your clients’ inboxes are constantly inundated with sales content that can all start to look the same to them. If you can’t grab a customer’s attention from the beginning of the email, they will quickly tune out and scroll to the next thing in their inbox. Your best chance at engaging them is by offering content that is the most relevant to them.

The easiest way to instantly make your email more personal is to use the subscriber’s first name. Additionally, be sure to use any other demographic data you are able to collect to send them targeted content (birthday coupons, anyone?). Purchase history and unpurchased cart items are a perfect good way to suggest another item they might be interested in. All of this information can also be used to segment your email lists into more targeted groups.

Emailing Too Often

They signed up and are on your newsletter list! The hard part is over, right? You are excited and want to let them in on all of your best content, site deals, and industry news. It can be tempting to update your clientele on everything, but bombarding a new subscriber with too many emails is a great way to overwhelm them and lose their interest. Once a week is probably the most often you should reach out, and you can even ask their frequency preference on sign up.

The post-holiday season can mean an influx of new subscribers to your email lists. Don’t miss out on this opportunity for more client engagement. These tools can take some practice, but they go a long way towards increasing your email conversions and retention. Let GMS help with your digital marketing, our award winning managed email solutions are both affordable and on the cutting edge. Contact us today!